I love my garden! I've planted 4 types of peas (both shelling and whole eating), 3 kinds of carrots, 4 types of green beans, parsnips, turnips, 2 types of lettuce, spinach,
swiss chard, 3 types of beets, 2 types of
zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkins, Boston pickling cucumbers, 2 types of
tomatoes, rutabagas, radishes, basil, dill, lavender, and thyme! Every day I check my plants, see what new seedlings are emerging, and my favorite to watch and help grow are the peas. I love helping them climb up the fence supports. As they climb they extend thin strands that seek out new support and as soon as they find it they attach by coiling themselves around. I love helping them grow up the right way and cannot wait till harvest. I've already harvested a slew of radishes: crispy, crunchy, and red. I am as happy as a pea in a pod getting my hands dirty every day tending my garden! Once my folks return I will use their
camera and upload photos for y'all.